How to Choose the Right HRMS Software | HRMS App for your Company
Choosing the best HRMS Software or HRMS App for your company can be quite a confusing task with plenty of HRMS Solutions available in the market. These solutions can offer diverse features. But only the right Human Resource Management Solution will help meet your HR …
Top 5 Strategies for Improved Employee Retention | HRMS Software | HRMS App
As important as finding a suitable employee, organizations must keep the absolute focus on retaining their best talents. It is well-known fact that employee retention improves with the happiness level of employees. But getting that done at the workplace is a bit complex. Moreover, a …
Five Best ways for Technology & Recruiters to work together
Technology has remained the backbone of all business functions across industries. Being the most important aspect of HR, the recruitment function doesn’t remain unaffected by advancements in technology. Attracting the best talents has become more competitive as the candidates are driving the job market. The …
Know these Five Best Strategies to use LinkedIn for Recruitment
Recruitment is one of the most time and money consuming activity that involves HR. They spend much time conducting a different round of interviews and coordinating the same with the team managers. Most companies end up spending a lot of recruitment budget still incapable of …
Know these Three Best Strategies to Attract Passive Candidates
Many organizations have undergone unpredictable changes over the recent past. It has made their talent acquisition process challenging. As a result, the response to uncertainty was reducing talent pool, work from home, and hybrid workspace. With more awareness about safety measures and vaccines in place, …
Top 3 AI Trends that every HR must know in 2021
Rapid advancement in technology calls for the opportunity to streamline the existing processes for a leaner one. All over the world, organizations have become competitive which implies that they must stay updated with what & how the competition is doing. This also means that the …
Top 3 ways AI is adding Value to HRMS
The concept of Artificial Intelligence (AI) was coined in the 1950s. Since then, it has been used in other spheres of business including marketing and sales. Its reinvention of Human Resource Management System (HRMS) is a recent phenomenon. But AI’s involvement in HRMS is growing …
Top 3 Remote Team Management Challenges to watch out in 2021
Among the lessons learned from 2020, adaptability to change remains the most valuable one. Remote working and remote team management are among such adaptations that we have brought to our work front. Today, remote teams have become a common phenomenon. Top organizations as well as …
Top 5 Remote Team Management Trends to watch out for in 2021
It is beyond doubt that pandemic has transformed the future of work. Work and life have been completely entangled than ever before. An end has been put to the concept of conventional working that used to take place through offices. Today, most of the employees …
Top 5 ways Managers can Improve Employee Engagement
Every organization has its methods to achieve growth. While creating a value-added product or service can be a great differentiator, it is ultimately the employees of the organization who can help it achieve the desired growth. To achieve desired corporate goals, it is important to …